Oh Where, Oh Where, Did My Second Sock Go? The Odd-Sox Project

Like ships heading into the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, for some reason socks have traditionally had a tendency to disappear in the wash, never to be recovered or seen again.

In certain social circles, the scandal behind the missing second sock is a very hot topic of conversation. Having worked in the sock industry for close to six years, I was often asked if I had any knowledge on the whereabouts of missing single socks once they hit the laundry. My personal explanation was always that, as sock manufacturers, someone had cut a deal with the washer/dryer companies to “hide the evidence” so that we could continue to see a steady rise in sock sales. All jokes aside, though, I have no clue where any of these socks actually go. It seems that most people cannot seem to hold onto a full set, even if their lives depend on it.

This is what makes the Odd Sox Project so amazing!

Two ten-year-old girls saw a bunch of lost socks as an opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade by pairing together gently used odd socks to then re-distribute to the homeless community. These budding entrepreneurs saw a need, and they filled it, quite literally helping the world one sock at a time.

I had the opportunity to contribute to this amazing organization in my former role as Corporate Account Manager for Renfro Corporation, one of the world’s largest sock manufacturers. Plenty of companies in the industry, including my own, were ordering sample kits from overseas to be able to present the latest sock collections to their expanding customer base. Unfortunately, these sample kits were very often comprised of only one out of two socks from the pair. Therefore, once a season was over, there was no longer a need for these singles, which were nearly impossible to sell off.

Since Carlie and Charley, the founders of the Odd Sox Project, had always worn mismatched socks, they saw this as a potential opportunity to highlight a new trend in the marketplace while, in turn, doing something good for both the environment and their community. They asked their parents if they could go out and collect everyone else's single socks, pair them up, and donate them to shelters. They were hoping to transform these useless singles into a much needed pair and then distribute them to people who could really benefit from the donation.

Please check Odd Sox out at the link below: http://www.odd-sox.org/

I really admire the efforts of anyone out there trying to use what little pull they may have to make a change in the world. While we may not always understand the millennial generation and this new chapter of life filled with influencers and the power of social media, we should not be hating on the “instafamous.” Instead, we should perhaps be showing them our support. The hope should be that social media influencers will use their voices to serve the greater good, somehow giving back to those in need. It is actually pretty amazing to think that almost anyone in today’s day and age can develop a following, reach a large audience, and persuade their followers simply by speaking their truth and being authentic on social media.

There is something to be said about taking matters into our own hands, even when we feel like the result will account for only a small piece of the pie. Most people would just dismiss an entrepreneurial idea like the Odd Sox Project, thinking that since the impact might not be significant enough to make a difference on a larger scale, it’s not worth putting in the work.

I am confident, however, that if everyone had the opposite attitude and believed that one person CAN change the world, we might actually surprise ourselves at how much our efforts can inspire others. In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

It is always much easier to be complacent than to try and implement change. Carlie and Charley should be applauded for their determination in seeing their project through. To date, they have turned what may have once seemed like a small idea into one of significance, having collected and donated over 80,000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters! They have also appeared on Dragon’s Den where they made a deal to expand the manufacturing of their own line of socks. It’s pretty remarkable that they’ve turned what was once a dream into reality.

Please check out Carlie and Charley’s sales pitch to the dragons at the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foa0-0s1DZE

In many cases, as indicated in this example, pursuing this type of initiative has the potential to become even bigger than what was initially anticipated. It may have the power to help change someone’s life in a meaningful way, often times without the initiator even knowing or fully understanding the impact of their efforts. As such, I think it is so important to highlight these types of successes; at the end of the day, we are all working towards the common goal of making the world a better place.

So let’s help the homeless get back on their feet and continue to #PAYITFOOTWARD.



Marisa Sheff